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Below is the full list of audio from our archive of various classes and sermons.

To view our livestream, please go to the Live Worship Service page.

Please note: Comments made in Bible classes may not represent the views held by the West End church.

Displaying 2326 - 2350 of 3156

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/25/16 After God's Own Heart David Lanphear Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship After_Gods_Own_Heart.mp3
09/25/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #22 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Sun Bible Study 01_Countdown_To_Crucifixion_22.mp3
09/21/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #21 Jim Holton Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Wed Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_21.mp3
09/18/16 The Dangers Of Looking Back Justin Berss Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Dangers_Of_Looking_Back.mp3
09/18/16 The Preminence Of Christ Mark Pape Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Preminence_Of_Christ.mp3
09/18/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #20 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Sun Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_20.mp3
09/14/16 The Keys To Victory Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting The_Keys_To_Victory.mp3
09/13/16 Putting Sin To Death Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting Putting_Sin_To_Death.mp3
09/12/16 The Point of Pain Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting The_Point_of_Pain.mp3
09/11/16 Foundations For Forgiveness Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting Foundations_For_Forgiveness.mp3
09/11/16 An Audience Of One Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting An_Audience_Of_One.mp3
09/11/16 Truths And Untruths Terry Slack Gospel Meeting Moving Toward Maturity Gospel Meeting Truths_And_Untruths.mp3
09/07/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #19 Jim Holton Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Wed Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_19.mp3
09/04/16 Mind Control Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Mind_Control.mp3
09/04/16 Begin With The End In Mind Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Begin_With_The_End_In_Mind.mp3
09/04/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #18 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Sun Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_18.mp3
08/31/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #17 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Wed Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_17.mp3
08/28/16 The Flood Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Flood.mp3
08/28/16 Brotherly Kindness Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Brotherly_Kindness.mp3
08/28/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #16 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Sun Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_16.mp3
08/24/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #15 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Wed Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_15-1472087795.mp3
08/21/16 Don't Lose Heart Justin Berss Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Dont_Lose_Heart.mp3
08/21/16 Behold, It Was Leah! Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Behold_It_Was_Leah.mp3
08/21/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #15 Jim Holton Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Sun Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_15.mp3
08/17/16 Countdown To Crucifixion #14 Travis Renfrow Bible Class Countdown To Crucifixion Wed Bible Study Countdown_To_Crucifixion_14.mp3

Displaying 2326 - 2350 of 3156

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