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Below is the full list of audio from our archive of various classes and sermons.

To view our livestream, please go to the Live Worship Service page.

Please note: Comments made in Bible classes may not represent the views held by the West End church.

Displaying 1976 - 2000 of 3155

Page 1 2 3 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 125 126 127

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/18/18 The Needs Of Man Mark Pape Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Needs_Of_Man.mp3
03/18/18 Mind Your King #21 David Lanphear Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_21.mp3
03/14/18 Mind Your King #20 Mark Pape Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_20.mp3
03/11/18 Lessons From The Apostle Paul David Lanphear Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Lessons_From_The_Apostle_Paul.mp3
03/11/18 Mind Your King #19 Jim Holton Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_19.mp3
03/07/18 Mind Your King #18 Jim Holton Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_18.mp3
03/04/18 The Life Of Christ In Me Jim Holton Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Life_Of_Christ_In_Me.mp3
03/04/18 Spiritual Leperosy Gerald Barr Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Spiritual_Leperosy.mp3
03/04/18 Mind Your King #17 Mark Pape Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_17.mp3
02/28/18 Mind Your King #16 David Lanphear Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_16.mp3
02/25/18 Godly Sorrow Justin Berss Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Godly_Sorrow.mp3
02/25/18 Who May Abide In Your Tent? Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Who_May_Abide_In_Your_Tent_.mp3
02/25/18 Mind Your King #15 Curtis Pope Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_15.mp3
02/21/18 Mind Your King #14 Curtis Pope Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_14.mp3
02/18/18 The Lord's B Team Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Lords_B_Team.mp3
02/18/18 The Christian's Sojourn Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Christians_Sojourn.mp3
02/18/18 Mind Your King #13 David Lanphear Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_13.mp3
02/14/18 Mind Your King #12 Curtis Pope Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_12.mp3
02/11/18 Burnt Offering Discipleship Justin Berss Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Burnt_Offering_Discipleship.mp3
02/11/18 Problems With Anger Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Problems_With_Anger.mp3
02/11/18 Mind Your King #11 Curtis Pope Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_11.mp3
02/07/18 Mind Your King #10 David Lanphear Bible Class Mind Your King class Wed Bible Study Mind_Your_King_10.mp3
02/04/18 Women's God Given Role Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Womens_God_Given_Role.mp3
02/04/18 Let Us Boldly Come To The Throne Of God Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Let_Us_Boldly_Come_To_The_Throne_Of.mp3
02/04/18 Mind Your King #9 David Lanphear Bible Class Mind Your King class Sun Bible Study Mind_Your_King_9.mp3

Displaying 1976 - 2000 of 3155

Page 1 2 3 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 125 126 127