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Below is the full list of audio from our archive of various classes and sermons.

To view our livestream, please go to the Live Worship Service page.

Please note: Comments made in Bible classes may not represent the views held by the West End church.

Displaying 2576 - 2600 of 3152

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/28/15 Daniel in the Lion's Den Gerald Barr Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Daniel_in_the_Lions_Den.mp3
06/28/15 The Voice of the Empty Tomb Mark Pape Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Voice_of_the_Empty_Tomb.mp3
06/28/15 Harmony #23 David Lanphear Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study Harmony_23.mp3
06/24/15 Harmony #22 David Lanphear Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Wed Bible Study Harmony_22.mp3
06/21/15 Harmony #21 David Lanphear Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study Harmony_21.mp3
06/21/15 King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship King_Of_Kings_And_Lord_Of_Lords.mp3
06/21/15 The Holy Spirit (Part 1) Curtis Pope Sermon The Holy Spirit Sun AM Worship 01_The_Holy_Spirit_Part_1.mp3
06/17/15 A God Who Can Be Delighted Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Gospel Meeting A_God_Who_Can_Be_Delighted.mp3
06/17/15 Fear and Instant Gratification Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Facing Giants Gospel Meeting Fear_And_Instant_Gratification.mp3
06/16/15 Delighting God In Worship Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Gospel Meeting Delighting_God_In_Worship.mp3
06/16/15 Tolerance And Message Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Facing Giants Gospel Meeting Tolerance_And_Message.mp3
06/15/15 Delighting God In Family Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Gospel Meeting Delighting_God_In_Family.mp3
06/15/15 Facing Giants Intro Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Facing Giants Gospel Meeting Facing_Giants.mp3
06/14/15 Delighting God In Righteousness Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Sun PM Worship Delighting_God_In_Righteousness.mp3
06/14/15 Delighting God In Justice Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Sun AM Worship Delighting_God_In_Justice.mp3
06/14/15 Delighting God In Loving Kindness Todd Chandler Gospel Meeting Delighting God Sun Bible Study Delighting_God_In_Loving_Kindness.mp3
06/07/15 Salt and Light Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Salt_and_Light_1.mp3
06/07/15 Harmony #19 Mark Pape Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study Harmony_19.mp3
06/07/15 Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like (part 4) Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Kingdom_Of_Heaven_Is_Like_part_4.mp3
06/03/15 Harmony #18 Mark Pape Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Wed Bible Study Harmony_18.mp3
05/31/15 The Grandeur of the Church Mark Pape Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship The_Grandeur_of_the_Church.mp3
05/31/15 The Kingdom of Heaven is Like - Part 3 Curtis Pope Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Kingdom_of_Heaven_is_Like_-_Part_3.mp3
05/31/15 Harmony #17 Mark Pape Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Bible Class (other) Harmony_17.mp3
05/27/15 Harmony #16 David Lanphear Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Wed Bible Study Harmony_16.mp3
05/24/15 Harmony #15 David Lanphear Bible Class Harmony of the Gospels Sun Bible Study Harmony_of_the_Gospels_15.mp3

Displaying 2576 - 2600 of 3152

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