
“Learning Peace in Pediatrics by Matt Finley”

Categories: Do you enjoy peace of mind?


“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard you hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:7 


For the past few weeks, my Physician Assistant training has placed me in Pediatrics.  It has been a rewarding experience learning about kids and how to effectively treat their illnesses.  There are three simple truths I have learned 


1) Never take a kid from their mother’s arms in the examination room if you want to check their ears for an ear infection. 

2) There is nothing more peaceful than entering a Labor and Delivery nursery and seeing five swaddled, newborns sleeping. 

3) The mother’s role in nurturing and raising children is foundational to their growth, development, and peace. 


This intimate relationship between the mother and the child is evident upon delivery of the child into the world.  As the umbilical cord is cut, which has sustained the newborn’s life for 40+ weeks, the child takes his first breath by himself without any help from the mother.  Whisking the child away into the arms of the Pediatrician, the child begins to breathe on their own, screaming and turning red due to the trauma of entering into the world.  After the examination by the Pediatrician, the child is swaddled, returned to the mother, and something fascinating occurs: the child is calmed and peace returns just by being in the arms and hearing the consolations of the mother.  This unique relationship is quickly understood and will be evident throughout the child’s life.  Whether it be feeding, changing poopy diapers, or consoling a child after a bicycle wreck, the mother is the primary source of peace.  How do we return to this type of peace? 


Trusting in the Lord leads to perfect peace.  “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” – Isaiah 26:3-4.  Trust is closely related to peace.  If you have complete trust that the parachute will open, then you will have peace (and terror) and jump out of the airplane, knowing that the parachute will engage.  Trusting in the “everlasting rock”, which is God, leads to perfect peace. 


Our Father is the only one who can provide this peace.  This unique relationship, where perfect peace resides, a peace that surpasses any comprehension, continues on with our Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  It will protect us, sustain us, and guard us from all cares that this broken world throws at us.  Apart from Christ there is no real peace.  You may think that you have peace through financial stability or family success, but these will fade and do not surpass understanding like the peace of God (Phil. 4:7).  Our relationship with God, through Christ brings us to peace. 


We must have a relationship with God in order to have peace of mind. “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.  For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” – Psalm 84:10-11. Our God is not looking for perfection.  He is looking for those who can humbly come to Him, acknowledge their sins, and obey his commands by putting on Jesus through baptism (Romans 6:1-7).  He wants that intimate relationship that only He can provide; like a mother to a newborn.  Do you have this incredible peace of mind?  What can you change to have access to an indescribable peace?

Additional Resources
Learning Peace in Pediatrics- Bible Study Guide 
The Problem of Suffering- Sermon by Curtis Pope 
Till the Storm Passes By - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

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A Youthful Perspective

Find Your Peace

By Makenzie Belcher

Peace to me is something we all need to strive to have. It may be hard, but it is very important. Sometimes our lives get so busy that it may feel like everything is so chaotic. Pretty much  the total opposite of peaceful. It may seem that everywhere we look, there is not an ounce of peace to be found. But really there is. Just take a look in your bible. That is where you can find your peace. There are tons of references to Peace in the bible. But one of my favorites is Philippians 4:7- "And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This shows how important Peace really is and what it can do for you!

A form of Peace I have in my life is being home. When I'm with my family, I really am peaceful. I don't have anything to worry about. I am away from things of the world, and with people who love me for who I am, and want the best for me. It just makes me feel safe-and that is a major part of peace. When you have peace, you are stress free, and do not worry. You have a sense of security. One of the many great things in the bible is the description of what Heaven will be like, you can find this is in Revelation 21:11-27. Heaven is going to be so wonderful! Words cannot describe how amazing it will be. It's beyond human comprehension. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more - or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist." Revelation 21:4 These verses give me Peace of Mind. To know that we will never have to go through painful things anymore when we get to Heaven, is wonderful! It's great to know that there is something else waiting for us after this life. It's not going to be completely over. God spent his time creating the best possible place for us to live eternally. We all have that to look forward to if we live our lives the right way.

Right now It is important to find our Peace. We really do need it. If you are constantly worrying all the time, and can't seem to find a peaceful place, read your bible, or talk to someone. I guarantee you will soon find it. Psalms 91:4 "He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge; his truth shall be your shield."

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